
Lindsborg News Record; May 25, 1917

Men in Lindsborg and across McPherson County were notified to register for service in the May 25, 1917, edition of the Lindsborg News Record. One hundred forty-two men from Lindsborg registered, which was more than the estimated one hundred twenty-four men. [1] Altogether, McPherson County had 1830 men register for the draft. [2] These men would then wait to be notified to appear for selective service. [3]

Towns and cities across the world experienced the loss of many of their young men. For some this loss was short lived as they eventually returned home, but others, like Emil Pinkall, never returned.  Still others, like Albert Reynolds, came back with physical and emotional scars that never completely healed.  The men listed here are just some of those that we were able to compile further information about in order to give a glimpse of what it meant to serve in the military during World War I. A more complete list of all who served from Lindsborg was compiled and can be accessed here. This list does not necessarily contain the names of Bethany College students who were not from Lindsborg (like Albert Reynolds) or men who lived just outside of town (like William Gabrielson).  Again, this list was published in the Lindsborg News Record and for various reasons could be missing names. We appreciate all the men that served, not only from Lindsborg, but from across the United States.

Emil Pinkall

William Gabrielson

Homer Larson

Willard E. Larson

Clarence Peterson

Ralph Peterson

Glenn Pratt 

Albert Reynolds

Herbert R. Stone


[1] Lindsborg News Record, May 25, 1917.

[2] Lindsborg News Record, June 15, 1917.

[3] Lindsborg News Record, July 6, 1917.
