The “Lindsborg During World War I: Service, Sacrifice & Dissent” digital humanities project is a collaborative effort between history professor Dr. Tom Jorsch and McPherson County Old Mill Museum. This website was created in fall 2016 by Bethany College sophomores enrolled in an Honors research seminar on World War I, and thereafter edited by other students and Dr. Jorsch. Artifacts from the war, photographs, and other resources tell the story of the ways people and the community responded to the Great War. If you have artifacts or stories related to Bethany College or Lindsborg during World War 1, please contact Dr. Jorsch at This project is made possible by a grant from the Kansas Humanities Council.
Students in the fall 2016 Honors class: Anita Halterman, Zoe Levesque, Alanna Lustfield, Rhett Mizer, Emily Perkins, Tehya Peters, Kalyn Powers, and Alyssa Wierman.
Student volunteer: Katie Snyder
Old Mill Museum: Lorna Nelson, Lenora Lynam, Sheila Malm, and staff.
Bethany College: Denise Carson and Brittany Torres in the library; Dr. Lisa Guinn and Dr. Joyce Pigge from the Department of History and Political Science; Tina Goodwin and Frank Ballew in Communications; Matt Carver in IT; and Dr. Kristin Van Tassel for allowing her Honors students to take on this project.
Donors: Gary “Gabe” Gabrielson for donating the William Gabrielson material to the Old Mill Museum; Steve and Helen Gragert for donating the Albert Reynolds material to Bethany College and allowing the letters to be digitized; the Emil Pinkall American Legion Post #140 for allowing their materials related to Pinkall to be digitized.
Other: Charlotte Anderson for translating documents from Swedish to English; Matt Veatch for serving as Heritage Consultant for the grant; the staff at Kansas Humanities Council; and the folks at reclaimhosting for their web-hosting support.